Creative Director & UX Lead
In addition to driving tourism across the state, our cleint needed a responsive site to bring content from their many digital properties into a single, client-authored experience. The system of templates and modules were designed to enable seasonal releases, campaigns and enhancements so the Montana Board of Tourism could continue to meet the demands of their constituents (the bird-watching society is especially picky).
Working with a small creative/ux/content group in an agile environment really was the way to do this in the short time we had. I commandeered a section of our Chicago offices to create a space for the team to huddle and work together along with devs while not feeling locked up in a warroom. This cut down the number of meeting and emails by an easy 75%. And because the work was hung in our open environment, leadership never bugged us for reviews.
The foundational release in March 2015 was only the first step in redefining what travel guides can be... There is so much more to come.